Aamanns has The Organic Cuisine Label in silver meaning we use 60-90% organic ingredients.

Since Aamanns was founded in 2006 an organic approach and sustainability have always been key elements. That is why all of Aamanns are all certified with The Organic Cuisine Label in silver guaranteeing 60-90% organic ingredients in everything we serve on the plate and in the glass. We believe it is the only right thing to do.

You will find the state-controlled Organic Cuisine Label in silver at Aamanns Etablissement, Aamanns Deli & Takeaway on Østerbro and in Carlsberg Byen, at Aamanns Frokostordning, Aamanns Køkken & Event, and at our restaurants Aamanns 1921, Aamanns Replik and Aamanns Genbo. The label is our guests’ guarantee that we use 60-90% organic ingredients in our kitchens. We believe it’s the right thing to do.







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“Quality and taste will always be our primary compass. With an increasing level of quality in organic ingredients, we are now in a place where we can introduce more organics and maintain the same great taste. There’s no reason not to” Adam Aamann

We continuously work with sustainable measures in several areas. As a guest in one of our restaurants you might notice that we serve chilled tap water, rather than buying and transporting bottled water. We have also ensured that our tablecloths and napkins are 100% biodegradable, just as we have a wide range of organic drinks.
We will continue to improve on this matter and our sustainable ambition never ends. For us, taste, raw material quality and seasonality are inextricably linked. We use Danish products as much as possible, and it’s important to us that the meat comes from animals that have lived a decent life outdoors. That’s why our suppliers are selected based on clear positions on sustainability and animal welfare.

We continuously work with sustainable initiatives in several areas. Guests may notice that we serve tap water in carafes rather than buying and transporting bottled water. We have also made sure that our tablecloths and napkins are 100% biodegradable and we have a wide range of organic drinks.